About Brian Cox - Horizons

Horizons. A 21st Century Space Odyssey with Professor Brian Cox

Professor Brian Cox is back for this exclusive final UK show of HORIZONS. Join him for an intimate evening where Camberley Theatre will be filled with images of far-away galaxies, alien worlds, supermassive black holes, and the latest theories of the origin of the Universe. 

What is the nature of space and time? How did life begin, how rare might it be and what is the significance of life in the Cosmos? What does it mean to live a small, finite life in a vast, eternal Universe? Having travelled the world, it’s now time to bring Horizons back home to the UK for a final journey around our magnificent and baffling Universe. 

The Guardian

A Jaw-dropping reminder that human life is both irrelevant and hugely precious.

Daily Echo

Science and cosmology doesn’t get any more dazzling and interesting than this – a wonderful journey through space and time orchestrated by Professor Brian Cox

Dates and times